It’s been a while, but I’m back in the game.
I took some time off after the Druid Hill Open (last November) as I was afflicted with Plantar Fasciitis in both feet, but the left one is the worst. It still hurts, but it’s getting better and it isn’t as bad as it was at the end of last year.
I played in the Druid Ice Bowl and the Rockburn Ice Bowl/Chili Cook-Off. I didn’t make any chili, but the offerings were very good. I look forward to next year’s event. Funny story about me and Druid: at the Open in Nov, I lost a disc in a tree on #8. It’s a big tree and the trunk splits about 30 feet up making a big “V.” My disc is wedged in that “V.” At the Ice Bowl, as we approached the 8th tee, I told the others in my group about the tree and how I lost the disc. I then step up to drive, and BAM! the disc lands in a hole about 6 feet below the “V” in the same tree. Lesson learned: don’t talk about bad shots before you drive! Funny thing is, both discs are yellow Avenger SS’s. I love those. Methinks I’ll have to get some more, since it looks like they’ll be in the tree for a long time.
Anyway, on to more recent happenings!
The Patapsco Punisher is next weekend and in preparation, I’ve played the course 3 times in the last 3 weeks. I’m thinking I might even hit it again tomorrow morning for more practice. I’ve come to notice that my accuracy is improving to the point where I see the line I want the disc to take and when I throw the disc, it follows the line I want. I’m also getting better at threading it throw small gaps in the trees without playing pinball.
Two weeks ago, I met a couple like minded fools at the course and we played a round from the blues. All the pins are in the Punisher layout (everything is in C). We get punished and I walk away with a 96! OUCH!!
Last weekend, I met the Nomads and we played from the reds. I shot a 78 and felt pretty damn good with myself. 15 strokes off the lead, but only 9 from my nemesis! That gap is usually larger. 
Today, I played a solo round from the blues and shot an 88. Still not great (it should have been lower), but 8 strokes better than my last outing from the blues. The Punisher is 2 rounds, one red, one blue. I hoping to shoot lower than I did last year (88, 85) and get my rating up!
I’ll check in next weekend and let you know how things went…